image of blue networking cables

Advanced Networking & Data Security

Advanced Networking & Data Security (ANDS) 
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)


The Advanced Networking & Data Security Bachelor of Applied Science degree (ANDS BAS) will enable graduates to meet the needs of a broad scope of information technology skills. TCC has worked to purposefully create curriculum that will build on the Networking and Cybersecurity Associate of Applied Science degree while introducing the higher level knowledge required for networking, system administration and analysis, and database administration.

This degree was created as a pathway for students to become well rounded, soft skilled enabled IT professionals. It seeks to develop not only their technical expertise, but also their ability to work as a team and communicate effectively and professionally. With ethics as its corner stone, graduates will be trained and possess industry certifications in topics such as cloud computing, cybersecurity and forensics, networking, and databases. Students will learn how to properly configure and maintain current and emerging technology for a wide range of business and government applications. By providing a broad-based curriculum, TCC prepares graduates for the challenges of the ever-changing job market. This holistic approach ensures graduates have a competitive edge and possess a broadly desired skill set for future employers.



Information Sessions

Want to learn more? Join us for an ANDS BAS Info Session.

Held at 1:30pm on Feb. 13, Feb. 27, March 12, and March 26 via Zoom.

Application Factors

Priority placement will be based upon eligibility, date of application and space available.

Review the Factors

Entry Requirements

Please review the entry requirements for this degree

Review Entry Requirements

Apply to ANDS BAS program

Transcript review is completed during application review.

Apply to ANDS BAS

Degree Pathway

Detailed degree details below. For more information, review our Frequently Asked Questions.


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